Like electricity, hydrogen is also an energy carrier which is produced from another substance. Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of resources like water, fossil fuels and biomass. Unlike electricity, this can be stored in large quantity for future uses. Sun, with its radiant energy gives us light and makes plants to grow, is a giant ball of hydrogen and helium gases. As we know, hydrogen is lighter than air, so it will rise in the air. For this reason, it is very difficult to find it on earth. So it can be found only in compound form with other elements.
The most common methods of separating hydrogen from water, biomass or natural gas molecules are Steam Reforming and Electrolysis. The US is the largest producer of hydrogen in the world. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the prime user of hydrogen as an energy fuel. Lots of Vehicles like buses, cars, trains, bicycles, cargo bikes, golf carts, motorcycles, wheelchairs, ships, airplanes, submarines, high-speed cars and rockets are all moving with hydrogen.
Many companies are currently researching the viability of developing hydrogen used vehicles. Recent studies have proved that the use of hydrogen in vehicles will increase its life as well as its speed. The use of hydrogen fuel used in vehicles can attain large and sustained reductions in oil consumption. A prospective advantage of hydrogen is that it could be produced and consumed continuously, using solar, water, wind and nuclear power .
One of the main disadvantages of hydrogen is that during the process of separating from water or any other element, it releases carbon monoxide which is the harmful to the environment. Because it is difficult to produce, handle and store hydrogen, it is very expensive. Lack of sufficient refueling stations are the main concern for hydrogen users. Green house emission is the other disadvantage of hydrogen. However, hydrogen is expected to be one of the useful alternative fuel to avoid our over dependency on the petroleum products.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brett_Davis
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